Thursday, February 14, 2013

Why malloc not recommended in Nesc

Just summarizing my google search.   Can malloc be used in Nesc programs?

Ans : Yes, program will run. But not at all recommended.

Ref: 1.

From Ref:1

> When i used malloc, it sometimes gives me a pointer at the 
> adress:0x29DB,
> which is , i think, not normal because this pointer goes to the 
> external SRAM
> (which is not present  on my cricket platform). So any write at this 
> adresse
> has no effect on further read...

The TinyOS programming methodology frowns on malloc, for several 

1) No memory protection so you can smash your stack
2) Unforeseen rate mismatches can cause you to do 1 (you start 
receiving packets faster than you can forward them)
3) Event-driven execution models can make free()ing a hard thing to do 
right (hence pool allocations, etc.)

If you want dynamic allocation, look at TinyAlloc . It allows you to allocate a static chunk of RAM which you then parcel out dynamically. But using it in the presence of conflicting components is a recipe for disaster. Systems such as TinyDB 
get away with it because all their parts are designed to work together.