Http server in windows
----> Open x:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs has index.html
---> Add html files to be deployed inside this
Set path in windows command prompt
>path //will give you current path.
>set path=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_14\bin //This will set path to jdk bin...
To create a jar file
>jar cf jar-file input-file(s) //where 'jar-file' is the name of the jar
file to be created
To make terminal's default path to our wish
open file ./bashrc in /root and add the command for change directory to
specify where u want to open terminal by default.
>vim .bashrc
In the topmost portion of file add
-->cd /
-->cd media/disk-1/
now save the file and quit.
Close the terminal and open it again. Check the current path using pwd
You will see current path as /media/disk-2
To create a stub class
rmic generates stubs, skeletons, ties for
remote objects using either the JRMP or IIOP protocols.
rmic [ options ] package-qualified-class-name(s)